Iraq’s Investment Landscape Blooms

Bader Al-Sammarraie

Iraq’s Investment Landscape Blooms

Muhammad Al-Najjar, the CEO of the Iraq Development Fund, affirmed that ongoing negotiations are underway with multiple Arab and foreign countries eager to establish partnerships with the Iraq Development Fund.

Al-Najjar disclosed that discussions are currently taking place with countries such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, and Italy to collaborate on projects within Iraq through the Iraq Development Fund. Additionally, there are talks regarding investments with Japan.

The Iraqi official emphasized that active negotiations are in progress with six or seven sovereign development funds worldwide to facilitate projects in the six sectors where the Iraq Development Fund operates.

The Iraq Development Fund encompasses six distinct funds: the Environment Fund, the Digital Transformation Fund, the Housing Fund, the Industry Fund, the Agriculture Fund, and the Education Fund.

Al-Najjar previously highlighted that the Iraq Development Fund’s primary focus is to enhance the role of the private sector in both strategic and developmental projects—an initiative that had been lacking in the past.

Iraq’s Investment Landscape Blooms

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