Bahrain Secured First Place At UK’s Horse Festival Under Sheikh Nasser’s Guidance

Hera Shabbir

Bahrain totally owned the show at the Windsor Horse Festival in the UK! Bahrain’s Royal Endurance Team smashed the 100km, 120km, and 160km races like pros, represented by the Victorious and Al Ru’ood crews.

Dr. Khalid Ahmed Hassan, the big boss of the team, gave a huge shoutout to His Highness Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa for having their backs!


Via Bahrain Press Agency

Thanks to Shaikh Nasser’s wisdom, the Victorious squad snagged the gold in the 160km race, which Othman Abduljaleel Al Awadhi lead charge. The Al Ru’ood squad, crushed it in the 120km race under the guidance of rider Ahmed Khaled Ahmed Althawadi.

Dr. Khalid was all praises for the coaches, who nailed the game plan, making sure the team was ready to rock the festival!

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