Bahrain’s Parliament has just proposed a weekend shift in the Kingdom of Bahrain! Instead of Friday and Saturdays, it’ll be Saturday and Sunday.
Proposed by five MPs currently led by Dr Ali Al Nuami, restructuring the weekend would mean that Fridays would become half days, allowing workers to still attend their Friday prayers and dedicated family time.
This move has been adopted in the UAE already
Officials claim that with this new weekend structure, employees and businesses would be able to increase their efficiencies, as well as create more opportunities for others in the market.
Nothing has been confirmed yet!
Discussions are still underway for this new legislation, with more news set to be announced over the coming weeks.
There already seems to be a bit of push back about the move…
Citizens and residents have shared their opinions about the suggestion, with some sharing their concerns that Fridays have always been a religious day, and should remain that way.
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