This Heroic Lebanese Man Is Rescuing Animals In South Lebanon

Diana E.

Things have been pretty rough in southern Lebanon with all the violence and attacks happening. And you know who’s stepping up and becoming a total hero in all this chaos? Kassem Haydar!

Kassem recently posted this super touching video on TikTok where he promised to help out all the poor animals hurt in the attacks. With talk of a ceasefire happening soon, Kassem is taking matters into his own hands to care for all the suffering animals down south.


أعدكم بأنني سأعالج جميع الحيوانات التي أصيبت نتيجة الحرب في المنطقة الجنوبية، حتى لو وصل عددها إلى أكثر من 1000 حيوان. وأدعو الله أن تتم هذه الهدنة التي يتحدثون عنها.

♬ original sound – kassem haydar

And get this—he’s not just talking the talk. Kassem’s TikTok is filled with videos of him going out to areas hit by airstrikes, giving food and care to all the stray animals out there.


#الحب #fyp#بنت_جبيل #❤️

♬ original sound – kassem haydar

Just check out this clip of him saving a dog in Markaba!


مساعدة الحيوان واجب❤️‍🩹بلدة مركبا❤️‍🩹 وتم تخليص كلب علقان في منزل في البلدة#💔💔💔

♬ الصوت الأصلي – مـ༈ۖ҉ـلَكـ༈ۖ҉ـ. آلَحـ༈ۖ҉ـرؤفـ

He’s even gone as far as visiting the bombed village of Aitaroun to feed the stray animals there too.


From under the rubble I will feed you مت تحت ركام ساطعمكم💔 مساعدة الحيوان واجب❤️#💔💔💔 #fyp

♬ الصوت الأصلي – فضاء الهمسات❤

Kassem’s all heart, showing us that kindness isn’t just for humans but for our furry pals too. His actions are a reminder that one person can totally make a difference, even if it means helping those who can’t speak up for themselves.

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