ISF Announces A reduction In The Rate Of Crimes In Lebanon Following A Security Plan

Diana E.

The Directorate General of the Internal Security Forces (ISF) has announced the success of its recent road safety plan, which ran from May 6 to May 27, 2024.

The ISF proudly shared that the initiative resulted in a significant “drop in the crime rate,” specifically mentioning efforts to protect citizens from armed robbery and snatchings, particularly those involving motorcycles.

Impressive crime reduction statistics

According to figures released by the ISF, there was a notable 22 percent reduction in various crimes, including car thefts, snatchings, homicides, and other types of theft. In addition, the ISF reported a 36 percent increase in the arrests of criminal suspects during this period.

Highway Code Enforcement and Increased Fines

The road safety plan also focused on enforcing traffic regulations, resulting in a 56 percent increase in fines for breaches of the highway code. This enforcement was concentrated mainly in the central areas of Beirut, Baabda, the southern suburbs, and Jdeideh in Mount Lebanon. The ISF highlighted the urgency of these measures, noting a recent 100 percent increase in deaths resulting from road accidents.

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