Cairo Sandstorm Kills Three and Injures At Least Four

Raghad Khaled

Cairo Witnesses A Horrifying Sandstorm

Yesterday, Cairo and Giza witnessed one of the most horrifying Sandstorms, Riyah Al Khamsini.

This type of strong wind annually occurs in Egypt at the end of spring and the beginning of summer.

Egypt’s metrologists authority has warned Egyptians of a spike in temperature at the beginning of the week, along with precautions to remain safe during a Sandstorm.

However, Egypt and Egyptian didn’t expect to witness a storm of this magnitude.

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Cairo Sandstorm casualties almost reach 10!

The storm resulted in the losses of 3 Egyptian civilians and injured at least 4 others.

Rania Moustafa, an Egyptian Engineer sadly passed away once she reached the hospital after an advertising billboard fell on her amid yesterday’s sandstorm in the 10th of Ramadan City,

She suffered from internal bleeding, broken bones, and bruises before tragically passing.

Witnesses also stated that the fall of the giant billboard on the 6th of October bridge injured at least 4 civilians.

A man was also killed in the Nile Delta province of Menufiyah when a date palm fell on him

In the Red Sea city of Suez, a young man fell to his death when he lost his balance while watching the storm from a fourth-floor balcony.

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