“He Wanted To Kidnap Me” A Girl’s Last Words Before Jumping Off A Ride-Hailing App Car

Malak Nazir

A girl jumped out of a moving car escaping a kidnapping attempt by a ride-hailing app driver

In a shocking event that has captured the attention of the nation, Habiba Al-Shammaa, a young woman, found herself in a life-threatening situation that led to a desperate act of self-preservation. While traveling in what seemed to be a routine ride through one of the ride-hailing apps on the Suez Road, Habiba suddenly opened the door and jumped out of the moving vehicle, leading to her being in a coma and fighting for her life.

What happened?

According to initial reports, the ride started off without any apparent issues. However, the situation took a dire turn when Habiba, feeling an overwhelming sense of danger, decided to take the drastic step of jumping out of the car. Before slipping into a coma, she managed to utter a sentence that would spark a wave of controversy and concern: “He wanted to kidnap me.”

The statement led to an immediate investigation by the Interior Ministry, resulting in the arrest of the driver. The driver defended himself by claiming he was merely using Birch perfume to mask the smell of cigarettes in the car, a justification that has raised more questions than answers. The pressing questions now are: Why did Habiba feel endangered to the extent of jumping out of the car? Why did the driver not attempt to stop the car safely or assist her, instead choosing to flee the scene? Further complicating the matter is the revelation that the driver has a history of misconduct.

Background checks are crucial!

This incident has thrown a spotlight on the hiring practices of ride-hailing companies, particularly concerning the background checks on drivers. The safety and security of passengers are paramount, and this event has led to public outcry over the apparent lapses in ensuring that drivers are free of any criminal records.

Call to action:

Everyone is encouraged to keep Habiba in their thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Additionally, there is a call for ride-hailing companies to reassess and strengthen their safety and security measures to ensure the well-being of all passengers in the future.

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