80-Year-Old Egyptian Woman Beats Cancer And Gets Her Master’s Degree

Raghda Salah Embaby

Egyptian women have always been a huge inspiration source and here’s one example that’ll push you to achieve that one thing you’ve been slacking on


Amal Esmail is a mother and grandmother who wasn’t lucky enough to finish her education as she got married young, right after receiving her Primary certificate


Her passion for education was strong enough that at 38 years old she tried to resume it but was hurdled by cancer


After defeating cancer and by the age of 70 years old Amal managed to get back to her studies spending all that time accomplishing one certificate after another, till she managed to receive her master’s degree from the Faculty of Arts at the age of 80

All the love and support she received from her kids and grandkids was the great catalyst that helped her reach and achieve all her life long dreams and is the reason she still plans on obtaining her doctorate degree

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