A Touch Of Kindness.. Egyptian Child Welcomes Palestinian Family

Manar Eissa

Activists circulated a video clip on social media showing a kindness of a child from one of the governorates of Upper Egypt, warmly welcoming a Palestinian family receiving treatment in Egyptian territory.

The video sparked widespread reactions, with many praising the child’s compassionate gesture, highlighting the deep-rooted connection between Egyptians and the Palestinian cause, instilled in their minds and hearts since childhood.

In the video, the Egyptian child extends a heartfelt welcome to the Palestinian citizens, expressing his joy at their presence in their “second country” alongside their Egyptian brothers. With words reflecting the generosity and hospitality inherent in Egyptian culture, he says, “Say yours, don’t say ours…this is yours,” emphasizing that the family is considered guests rather than outsiders.

Responding to the child’s kindness, one of the family members acknowledges their gracious treatment, stating, “You were very kind. You treated us and helped us,” while another expresses gratitude for the warm reception and assistance provided during their time in Egypt.

The Egyptian child assures the Palestinian family that no payment is expected for his hospitality, insisting, ” I don’t want a pound or a half from you. I want you to stay happy.”

This heartwarming encounter exemplifies the spirit of solidarity and compassion that exceeds borders, reaffirming the enduring bond between the people of Egypt and Palestine.


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