Cabinet Allows Kafala Mother To Take Maternity Leave

Raghad Khaled

Cabinet has proposed new amendments that give Kafala Mothers the right to maternity leave!

The Council of Ministers approved a bill amending certain provisions of the Children’s Act promulgated by Act No. 12 of 1996.

These amendment includes granting women workers in the private and public sectors the right to maternity leave if she is sponsoring or have the custody of a child under six months of age.

The Executive Regulation mandated the establishment of regulations to encourage the foster care of children by granting a foster mother or Kafala Mother less than 6 months’ legally prescribed leave to the natural mother.

The amendment also entails that anyone who fails to monitor a child shall be liable to a term of imprisonment of not less than three months or a fine of not less than LE 1,000 and not more than LE 5,000 after being warned in accordance with Article 98, paragraph 1, of the present Code, thereby endangering the child.

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