Egypt Denies CNN’s Allegations Amid Gaza War Mediations

Manar Eissa

Amid Gaza war, the CNN report, citing three sources, claimed that Egyptian intelligence officials changed the terms of a ceasefire proposal that Israel had agreed to earlier in May, without consulting fellow mediators Qatar and the United States. When Hamas announced on May 6 that it had accepted the truce agreement, it was not the proposal that the US and Qatar believed had been submitted to Hamas for review.

These changes reportedly caused anger among US, Israeli, and Qatari officials and led to an impasse in the talks, according to CNN. The article has been widely circulated on social media, raising questions about Egypt’s motives and intentions behind such actions.

Diaa Rashwan, head of the State Information Service, denied the claims made in the CNN article, stating, “It’s devoid of any information or facts and was not based on any reliable journalistic sources.”

Rashwan added, “Continued attempts to question and insult Egyptian mediation efforts and roles, with allegations that contradict reality, will only further complicate the situation in Gaza and the entire region. Such actions may push the Egyptian side to decide to completely withdraw from its mediation role in the current conflict.”

The controversy highlights the complexities and sensitivities involved in the ceasefire negotiations between Hamas and Israel, with Egypt playing a crucial mediating role. The outcome of these discussions remains uncertain, and the situation continues to evolve.

Rashwan asked all international media outlets to be accurate in their reporting on such highly sensitive issues, and not to base their publications on unknown sources, which they call “informed sources.”



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