Egypt Unveils Sinai’s Transportation Transformation Plan


Sinai is about to transform!

Egypt’s Transport Minister, Kamel El-Wazir, reveals exciting plans to link Taba and Al-Arish via a new railway line, while also creating five logistics hotspots along the way. The makeover aims to turn Al-Arish into a bustling international port, seamlessly connected to a web of railroads.

Improved connectivity promised

The proposed railway will stretch from Al-Firdan to Bir Al-Abd, through the heart of Sinai’s Heavy Industries hub, promising improved connectivity. Reassuring North Sinai residents, El-Wazir emphasizes that these projects will enhance the region without causing any harm, in line with President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s vision.

5 more logistic zones

Plus, expect five more logistics zones dotting the route, bolstering economic opportunities from Al-Arish to Taba and beyond!

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