Electricity Authority Issues Warning About Electricity During Rainfall


WARNING! Rainfall hazards ahead

The Electricity Regulation and Consumer Protection Agency has published some tips for dealing with electricity during rainy weather and atmospheric fluctuations, as part of its commitment to raising awareness among electricity consumers.

The agency mentioned on its official Facebook page some guidance on dealing with electrical tasks during rainfall, which are:

1. Completely stay away from electrical tasks in the streets: light poles, kiosks, cables.
2. If you notice exposed electrical wires, do not approach them.
3. Quickly call the electricity hotline at 121 to report the location of exposed wires and electrical tasks.
4. Inform the neighborhood or local unit of any problems related to light poles.
5. Avoid touching electrical appliances and power sockets when entering the house with wet clothes.
6. Young children should be instructed not to touch any electrical outlets during rainy weather.

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