Fuel Prices Increases In Egypt By 75 Piasters To 1 L.E. Per Liter Starting Today

Raghda Salah Embaby

Fuel prices in Egypt are rising again and here are the new prices!


The price increment ranges from 75 piasters up to 1 L.E per liter.

With The 80 octane gasoline price going up from 8 L.E to 8.75 L.E, the 92 octane gasoline jumping from 9.25 L.E to 10.25 L.E, and the 95 octane gasoline becoming 11.50 L.E instead of 10.75 L.E.

The Cairo governor announced that solar prices were not raised so public transportation’s fare shouldn’t change.

And in case any citizen encounter that they should call 15496 or 114 to file a report and the driver will be fined.


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