Gaza’s Survivor: Nujoud Is Reunited With Her Parents In Egypt After 200 Days Of Separation

Manar Eissa

How can such a child’s feeling die while it’s alive? This is Nujoud, the daughter of Hassan Al-Baalouji who, accompanied by his wife, traveled to Egypt before the war for treatment. He left his only child with his family and relatives in Gaza.

The war started, and Nujoud remained in northern Gaza. Her parents left her with their relatives in Gaza, and Nujoud remained there as she was one of those besieged in Al-Shifa Hospital.  

Finally, after more than 200 days of pain, fear, death, displacement, and genocide, Nujoud was in the arms of her parents in Egypt. 

Nujoud’s arrival in Egypt does not mean that she escaped genocide, as the nightmare she experienced will remain with her throughout her life. The belief that anyone who moves or travels from Gaza has been saved is a completely false belief.

It is true that you are saved with your body, but your soul remains attached to all the details of the suffering in Gaza. Nothing but wishing Nujoud to feel much better and safer with her family in Egypt, as this beautiful young girl deserves to be happy.

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