Ministry Of Health Examined Almost 33 Million Egyptian Women

Raghad Khaled
Ministry Of Health Examined Almost 33 Million Egyptian Women

33 Million Egyptian Women Have Been Medically Examined

As part of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s Initiative, the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population announced that 32 Million and 932 Thousand women have been medically examined.

El Sisi’s Initiative to Support Women’s Health was established in July 2019, and since then, it has examined over 32 Million Egyptian Women and re-examined over 7 Million more through annual checkups.


Protocols of the Ministry:

The official spokesman of the Ministry, Hossam Abd El Ghaffar, stated earlier that the initiative adopts medically updated protocols to cure breast cancer through 14 centers that belong to the ministry.

Additionally, he also stated that these protocols are to be activated in 14 centers that belong to the Supreme Council of University Hospitals, free of charge.

Abd El Ghaffar also stated that these previously mentioned centers are currently being equipped with materials fit for applied research in order to provide treatment for oncology patients.

The initiative is currently providing treatment to women starting at the age of 18, assuring that early checkups reduce the burden of treatment on the patient through active response to the protocols that help in curing patients.

Where to find them:

The initiative is currently providing service through 3538 medical facilities, and 102 hospitals to women whose conditions require advanced examination. Patients interested in obtaining the initiative’s services can find Medical Facilities locations on the official website of the initiative or call the Hotline on 15335.


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