A Sudanese Doctor Is Sparking Public Outrage For Operating FGM Procedures In Egypt

Manar Eissa

Promoting Illegal Circumcision Operations

A Sudanese doctor actively promoted female circumcision procedures in Egypt through a social media page. This page featured supportive videos and shared contact information for Dr. Ismail, who claimed to offer these services in Egypt despite local laws and societal norms.

Demand for Illegal

The Sudanese doctor and potential clients discussed services, including a troubling case involving a five-year-old girl whose mother negotiated with the doctor to perform a circumcision operations.

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The doctor allegedly quoted a fee of 3,000 Egyptian pounds for conducting the procedure at the child’s residence, highlighting a blatant disregard for Egyptian legal protocols.

Government Response

The Egyptian government quickly responded to a surge in ads by Sudanese immigrants, offering female circumcision services, noting a serious violation of Egyptian law. Multiple lawmakers urgently petitioned the Egyptian Minister of Health to address this egregious violation. Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, spokesman for the Ministry of Health, stated that the Ministry had submitted a report to the Attorney General to investigate the reported incidents of circumcision.

It was confirmed that Dr. Ismail is not registered with Egyptian medical authorities, a violation punishable by up to two years in prison. Furthermore, under Egyptian law, anyone found guilty of performing female genital mutilation faces up to five years’ imprisonment, stressing the severity of the offense.

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