Yasmin Abdelaziz And Ahmed Elawady Officially Call It Quits


Yasmin Abdelaziz and Ahmed Elawady call it quits..

Yasmin Abdelaziz announced her divorce from Ahmed Elawady, sparking controversy on social media.

Fans expressed doubt and speculated whether it was a prank or a real divorce announcement.

Ahmed Elawady also posted the same announcement on Facebook, confirming the divorce and expressing respect and appreciation for Yasmin Abdelaziz. Many fans recalled a video in which a fortune teller predicted the couple’s divorce in 2024 or 2025, and it apparently came true just a few days later, despite their earlier mockery of her prediction.

Predictions signal trouble in paradise..

Prior to the end of 2024, Astrologer Laila Abdellatif predicted the separation of Ahmed Elawady and Yasmin Abdelaziz. However, neither of them took her words seriously at the time.

Their response to the prediction..

At that time, Ahmed Elawady responded to the rumors about the predictions of his divorce from actress Yasmin Abdelaziz, saying that astrologers were not to be believed.

Yasmin Abdelaziz also shared a video of an astrologer with the Lebanese host Neshan. In the video, the astrologer predicted Yasmine Abdelaziz’s divorce from Ahmed Elawady in 2024 or 2025. Yasmine responded humorously, saying, “Oh God, please, not you, Laila!”

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