Your Fave Chocolates Are Getting A Brand New Price Tag


Your fave chocolates are getting a new price label

Your favorite chocolate brands are getting a whole new price tag, with price increases of up to 30%!

Cadbury decided to raise the prices of some of its products in the local markets, by rates that reached 30%, or EGP1 to EGP20, after it’s latest price increase in October 2022.


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The prices of Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate, weighing 10 grams, increased by about one pound, to a record 4 pounds instead of 3 pounds, and the prices of CDM chocolate, weighing 22 grams, increased by about 1 pound, to a record 8 pounds instead of 7 pounds.

Meanwhile peanuts Moro 38 grams is now priced at EGP8 instead of EGP7.

The most shocking price jump yet..

The most shocking increase yet has to be the price of Bubbly Oreo chocolate and Marvelous Jelly…

Bubbly Oreo increased by about EGP5 valuing it at EGP20 instead of EGP15. While the prices of Marvelous Jelly chocolate, weighing 160 grams, jumped by about 20 pounds, to a whopping EGP75 instead of EGP55!

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