Ali Farag Addresses Western Media Bias On Gaza

Raghad Khaled

Squash Champion Ali Farag Addresses Western Media Bias Towards the Genocide in Gaza

World Champion Ali Farag just won the J.P. Morgan Tournament for the third time!

In his victory speech, Farag addresses the things that matter!

The world champion sent a strong message in support of Palestine, criticizing what is happening in the Gaza Strip, and Western media’s coverage bias.

In his speech “I have to talk about one topic and one topic only, the conflict in the Middle East and the atrocities that have been happening since October 7th.”

He explains that almost 30,000 Palestinians are dead, half of which are children and women, and that 85% of people have been displaced.

He continues “I feel bad for Americans, cause I have been everywhere since October 7th, and the coverage here is quite biased … the only thing we can do is put pressure with our public opinions and educate ourselves because this has to end.”

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