The Ministry Of Education Made Changes To The School Calendar And Holidays

Farah Makhlouf

The Minister of Education and Higher Education, H.E. Ms. Buthaina bint Ali Al Jabr Al Nuaimi, issued a ministerial decision approving the school calendar for the upcoming four academic years (2023/2024 to 2026/2027).

This comes in line with the Qatar National Vision 2030. The aim is to align Qatar’s school days with international standards and global education systems and provide teachers and students with ample amount of vacation time.

Ministry of Education announced changes in schools calendar and holidays

Find the calendar here!

Here are the actions taken:

  • Students will take their second round of exams at the start of the academic year rather than during summer vacations.
  • The second semester’s vacation (from March 12 – 16) will be cancelled and replaced by the first semester’s vacation (one week in October). The second semester will have several official holidays including Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha.
  • 3 days in the first week of the first semester of every academic year, will be designed to train staff.

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