Ministry of Defence Warns Against Unauthorized Entry into Military Sites: Strict Penalties Enforced


The Ministry of Defence (MoD) has issued a stern warning to citizens and residents regarding the prohibition of entering military sites, emphasizing the enforcement of Article No. 117 of Penal Code No. 11 of 2004.

According to the ministry, individuals who violate this article will face severe penalties, including imprisonment for a minimum period of five years.

Highlighted among the restricted military areas is the Al Qalayel Training Area, delineated by Salwa Road to the north, Sudanthil Road to the east, Jaw Al Salama Street to the south, and Areeq Natural Reserve to the west, as outlined by the Directorate of Moral Guidance at the MoD in a statement released on 9 March 2024.

The statement further underscores the legal accountability of individuals entering this area without authorization, acknowledging the cooperation of citizens and residents in adhering to regulations aimed at safeguarding their safety.

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