Qatar Charity Has Opened Up A New Orphanage In Rural Pakistan


To give orphans a safe and secure place to live and learn, Qatar Charity (QC) opened an orphan hostel in Tando Muhammad Khan (TMK), a remote and rural location in Pakistan’s Sindh province.

Qatar has opened a new orphanage in rural Pakistan

To secure a brighter future for these children, Qatar Charity launched the “Rofaqa” initiative, which included the construction of the orphan dormitory.

For the benefit of 50 youngsters, the dormitory was built in collaboration with Pakistan Bait ul Mal, a government agency for social welfare.

This 350 square metre, two-story hostel features seven beds, a drawing room, a sizable dining room, a sizable kitchen, and a garden.

Also, this dormitory is furnished by Qatar Charity with beds, furniture, kitchenware, and water.

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