Lovin Dubai JUST Reached 100k Fans And Is The Fastest Growing Media Page In Dubai

It has been customary for brands to mark milestones of Facebook fans with a post, so on the event of Lovin Dubai reaching 100k Facebook fans, we had a look at the rest of the numbers. Lovin Dubai hit with web on the 1st of September 2015, each month has seen increase on the previous month, in fact our video views and web traffic and social community has doubled in the past four months. Yesterday, there were 43,000 page views on the website, and the Lovin Dubai Facebook has an organic growth rate of 5%, by far the fastest growing page of it’s kind. 

7 million video views in 15 months!

There have been over 5 million page views on our website, 7 million video views and over 10,000 tags of #LovinDubai on Instagram.

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Lovin Dubai Facebook page has an organic growth rate of 5%, by far the fastest growing media site in Dubai!

Some pages are pretty much dead. 

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In-fact, yesterday alone there were 43 thousand page views on the website

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What does this even mean?

Not much in truth. The websites and online entities that people compare us with have usually stemmed from print and were founded in the last century, the Lovin Group was founded this decade and is purposely designed for the age of new media, so apart from the likes of Buzzfeed, we don’t really have many to compare too, and certainly nothing to compare to in Dubai. So even if some will look at these numbers, and put them alongside their own website, we think that’s just like placing an iPhone alongside a Nokia 3210. 

But there is always room for improvement, please provide your suggestions below

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