Dubai Schools Are Asking Parents: What Type Of ‘New Normal’ Do YOU Want To See?

Last week it was announced that Dubai schools would reopen in September, but the KHDA has left it up to schools to decide how best to handle the ‘new normal’.

Schools were asked to be creative and to choose models which best suit their circumstances and community and so, some schools are giving parents the chance to voice their opinion.

Virgin Radio’s Kris Fade shared an update he received from his children’s school asking parents what is their ideal scenario …

  1. Back to school full time, with social distancing
  2. Part time (2 days at school, 3 days distance learning)
  3. No return. Continue distance learning full time

The mixed bag of reactions proves it will be difficult for schools to find a happy medium that all parents can agree with

A quick scroll through the comments proves the answer is not black or white.

Some parents say a definite ‘no’. “We’re talking about our kids’ health here. Nothing worth risking it for”. While parents on the other end of the spectrum say, ‘life needs to go on of course with all precautions…it’s important for kids to see and interact with other kids”.

Schools when they realise they can’t please everyone


The Lovin Daily: Travel Updates: All Residents Returning After July 1 Must Get A COVID-19 Test

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