Licensed Venues Confirm That It’s Business As Usual Throughout The Long Weekend

In commemoration of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday (PBUH), the UAE will grant its residents a generous 3-day long weekend, spanning from Friday, September 29, to Sunday, October 1. Normal work schedules will resume on Monday, allowing residents to observe this significant occasion with their loved ones.

One notable aspect of this celebration is that there will be no “dry day” observed during the extended weekend in the UAE

This means that licensed establishments, including restaurants, will continue to operate as usual, providing residents with the opportunity to dine and enjoy their time with friends and family.

Yogesh Pradeep, the Founder & Chairman of Haveli, shared insights into the typical timing of a “dry day,” which would usually commence from 6om and last until the following day at 6pm.

However, as of now, there has been no official announcement regarding such restrictions for the upcoming weekend. This reassuring news underscores that pubs, bars, lounges, and licensed restaurants can continue their regular operations, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience for everyone.


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It’s worth noting that the last time Dubai observed a “dry day” within the emirate was on August 19, 2020, for Hijri New Year, marking three years since such an occurrenc

This year, residents can relish the long weekend and celebrate the occasion with cultural respect and unity.

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