Future Fest: Pakistan’s LARGEST Tech Expo!


Pakistan’s LARGEST ever tech expo, Future Fest, took Islamabad by storm this May! It was a 3-day event dedicated to using technology in Pakistan and brought together some of Pakistan’s best startups, innovators, artists and even policymakers.

‘Zindagi Future Fest’ – the conference was organised by JS Bank, and was a BIG STEP forward!

It took place from the 13th to 15th of May, and had an incredible line-up of artists who performed each day. Audiences were ENAMOURED with Aima Baig’s melodious voice, and Rahim Pardesi’s antics. However, nothing seemed to get the crowd more excited than the dynamic Young Stunners duo. Some other prominent artists that had audiences jumping to the beat were Hasan Raheem, Somewhat Super and Khumariyaan.

Check out the lineup for one of their days!

The tech startups at Future Fest were TRULY some of the most eye-grabbing. They demonstrated not just raw talent, but served as a beacon of hope for Pakistan’s future. One such startup was Pakistani Women in Computing (PWCI) that hopes to increase tech training, provision of job opportunities and capacity building for girls in Pakistan. Through its mentorship program, the startup aims to provide opportunities in both Pakistan and the US.

Isn’t that AMAZING? Future Fest is EXACTLY what tech in Pakistan needed

Another startup that really caught people’s attention was Jiye Tech. It works as a B2B-tech based marketplace helping connect farmers and businesses through a supply chain model that benefits both economically. The aim of this organisation is to dutifully solve supply chain irregularities so that poverty, to some degree, can be mitigated. Not only that! It encourages reduction of food wastage and is SUPER tech-inclusive.

Jiye Tech EARNED its place at Future Fest and the tech domain of Pakistan!

Future Fest, besides being Pakistan’s largest conference to host 100+ startups also welcomed prolific entreprenurers as speakers for the conference. Some of these speakers included Shafiq Akba, chairman Imarat and Graana, Jon Stepard CTO Sadapay and Fatima Mazhar COO at COLABS. The speakers gave some wonderful advice about e-commerce, developing and more!

Future Fest 2022 was FILLED with energy, and fun!

However, there were some complaints brought forward by people about the event! Some said that the location for the event was rather odd. Located in F-9 park Islamabad, the marquees set up lacked ventilation systems and the heat became intolerable for some. Others said that they experienced frequent power outages and poor management.

Pakistan’s first ever MASSIVE tech expo definitely did pass the test though!

Despite some problems startups and attendees faced at the event, it was overall a successful events filled with lots of learning, fun and enrichment. This is JUST the right step into the future of tech in Pakistan, and tech-enthusiasts are excited to similar events happen again soon!

There are SO MANY events happening these days! Do CHECK OUT more events in Islamabad HERE

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