The First Female Women’s Basketball Tournament Was Such A Success That There Will Also Be Football Matches Now


The Jeddah Women’s Championship just organised the first ever women’s basketball tournament which was held in Al Jawhara Stadium.

The event was organised by Dina Arif, with the support of the Ministry of Health and the General Authority for Sports, to raise awareness for the importance of sports amongst women in the Kingdom.

One of the teams getting ready for their first tournament!

The winning team was from the University of Science and Technology 

With the outstanding presence of more than 3,000 women, a team from the University of Science and Technology in Jeddah had won the competition.

Soccer matches will now also be organised

After seeing the success of the previous basketball tournament, female soccer players all over the Kingdom are eager to organise their own matches to encourage participation in sports all over the country. 

A soccer tournament will begin on Wednesday where six different teams will participate. 

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