Jeddah Witnessed The Hottest Day In 52 YEARS With The Temperature Up To 48 Degrees Celsius

Hera Shabbir

It was an extremely hot day yesterday for residents of Jeddah as temperatures shot up as high as 48.3 degrees celcius

The city hasn’t witnessed such intensity for over 50 years, and broke its own record from 52 years ago. This picture below even shows temperatures rising up to 51 degrees!

Students were seen struggling in the sun by covering their faces with clothes and splashing water to re-hydrate

People were even complaining about thier vehicles over-heating on the highways, preventing them from driving. Residents suspected something strange is happening in the weather, due to the random surge. Temperatures have somehwhat cooled down to 36 degrees today,  but unfortunately will continue to rise as the month passes.

Be careful guys!

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