The Reason For The Haramain Train Halt Has Been Revealed


The Haramain Train will Return to Service

The minister of transport explained that the Haramain train station at king Abdul-Aziz Airport in Jeddah will be the alternative station of Al-Sulaimaniyah station which was hit by fire, as of October 30. He pointed to the commencement of work to establish a temporary alternative route to avoid passing through the burned station.

Haramain Train Station will serve Jeddah’s residents until the restoration of the burned station. It will start working with 30 trips weekly to reach 80 trips by end of the year, following the fire broke out last week at the Sulaymaniyah station in Jeddah, which caused a full malfunction to the station, and many damages with no human injuries

Building a Temporary Alternative Route For Haramain Train

One of the competent companies started to establish a temporary alternative route for Al Haramain train, without the need to pass through the burned station of Al-Sulaymaniyah, in the area located between the building of Al-Sulaymaniyah station and Al Haramain road from the eastern side of the original route

The Haramain train station in Al-Sulaymaniyah district, Jeddah was hit by a fire that broke out at the roof of the station last week, which led to the halt of the train due to the severe damage to the station and some parts of the train route

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