The Al Jazeera News Office Was Completely Shut Down In Saudi Today


Following a tumultuous news day and a major fall out in the gulf region, major businesses have begun to sever ties with Qatar (so far it’s predominately airlines and services that require crossing the border into the country). 

In connection with this, the Al Jazeera news office in Saudi was shut down.

Al Jazeera is a Qatari state-owned broadcaster

Following Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, Bahrain, the Maldives, Libya and Yemen severing ties with the country, Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Culture and Information has withdrawn the Qatari broadcaster’s news license and closed the channel’s office in Jeddah according to

The move comes after the channel “promoted the plots of terrorist groups, supported Houthi coup militias in Yemen, and tried to break the Saudi internal ranks by inciting them against the state and harming the sovereignty of the country” according to the source. 

Al Jazeera online portal was blocked in the UAE last week

With no official confirmation as to why, there is likely a connection between the two. 

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