Kuwait’s citizens are voicing their frustration about the lack of safety on Wafra Road 306

Aya Elgohary

In a surprising and distressing twist, residents of Sabah Al-Ahmad City are urgently calling for action on Wafra Road 306. This road, filled with debris and broken barriers, has been a major concern for years, putting everyone who uses it at risk.

Concerns Over Road Safety

People are really frustrated about the ongoing dangers on Wafra Road 306. The debris and broken barriers make the road unsafe for drivers and pedestrians alike. Despite repeated complaints, nothing has been done to fix these hazards, and the community is getting increasingly anxious about it.

Authorities Blame Budget and Contractor Issues

The Ministry of Public Works and Roads says the lack of maintenance is due to budget constraints and contractor delays. But residents aren’t buying it, they argue that these excuses are just not good enough. The safety of families and commuters should be the top priority.

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Call for Immediate Action

Residents are pushing for immediate steps to clear the debris and repair the damaged barriers on Wafra Road 306. They stress that the continued neglect of this road is a serious risk to everyone who travels it. The safety of the community must come first.

Public Reactions on Social Media

People are speaking out on social media about the ongoing issues on Wafra Road 306. Many say the road is extremely dangerous and the hazards need to be removed immediately. Others point out that the road looks unappealing, with debris that’s been there so long that plants are starting to grow. Residents feel it’s their right to demand a safe and well-maintained road, and they argue that budget constraints shouldn’t compromise public safety.

As the calls for action grow louder, the community hopes their concerns will be addressed swiftly to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents.

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