FUN FACT: Jumping Around On A Trampoline Can Work To Add A Few Inches To Your Height 

FUN FACT: Jumping Around On A Trampoline Can Work To Add A Few Inches To Your Height 

So fun fact guys, jumping up and down on a trampo can even make you taller!! Especially if you’re still in the growing stage… although if you’re an adult then realistically we cannot hope for any HUGE growth spurts to happen after the age of 21.

But trampolining is a super fun way to get exercising and werking up your muscular system without breaking much of a sweat! So get yo’self your very own trampo and you may never need to hit the gym again. Woopaaahhh!

5. Get fit and flexy this summer with the help of this mini Foldable Exercise Trampoline.

Promising review:

“Easy setup with good quality and nice price. The delivery was fast also.”

Buy it from Amazon for AED 345.00.

4. If you’re looking to start rigorous trampoline training then this Sturdy Adult Trampoline is a reliable option to conduct your high-intensity sessions.

Buy it from Amazon for AED 723.16.

3. Show off your basketball skills with the Skywalker Round Trampoline Jump N’ Dunk! This 12′ trampoline will allow kids and their pals to jump, shoot and dunk their way to victory.

Promising review:

“I was able to assemble by myself with no issues at all. Instead of putting the frame together upside down then flipping, I just assembled as it normally would sit, and then put the legs on. It was easier than trying to flip it over myself. I followed the directions for the springs pretty much all the way through… Overall I’m extremely happy with my choice now and my kids love it.”

Buy it from Amazon for AED 892.96.

2. If you’re working from home this summer then this Playpen Kids Trampoline will keep your mini hoomans busy outdoors and active during the day so that you can werk away with a piece of mind.

Buy it from Amazon for AED 924.43.

1. This 5-Ft Trampoline with Barriers is a great trampo for apartment dwellers with hyper energized kids to set-up in their space.

Promising review:

“Amazing product for the money paid. Easy to assemble n great fun for the toddler.”

Buy it from Amazon for AED 558.00.

To browse more shopping categories in Dubai visit Lovin Dubai’s Shopping Hub.

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