Thanks To A Dubai-Based Influencer THIS Lamp Is Now On Huge Demand

One of Dubai’s biggest influencers, Salama Mohamed, recently took to her IG to ask her followers for furniture help… and little did she know that her new obsession with this one of a kind lamp would become the most in-demand lampstand in DUBAI!!

This novel lamp that caught Salama’s attention is now (thanks to her insta star power), on the wishlist of practically E V E R Y Dubai resident. Scroll down and check out the lamp thas all the rage.

This boujee Nordic Floor Lamp Stand has taken Dubai by storm!!

You can get your hands on this exact same lamp from Amazon for AED 3,220.07.

You can choose from four completely luxurious styles and colours!!

To check it out click here.

Amazon also features other retro renditions of the feather lamp, like this lustrous and voluminous chandelier right here

Shop it from Amazon for AED 735.90.

With these luxe lamps at home, you’ll practically be twinning with one of Dubai’s biggest influencers!!

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