This Video Of Snow In Trojena Went Viral And It’s Obvious Why

This Video Of Snow In Trojena Went Viral And It's Obvious Why

This Video Of Snow In Trojena Went Viral And It’s Obvious Why

The host of the show “The Project”, Mr. Abdullah Alasmari, shared a video of the current snowing weather in Trojena, NEOM. 

This video went viral and took a lot of people by surprise, but this isn’t a first! TROJENA’s elevation ranges from 1,500m to 2,600, and the temperature of the area is generally 10 degrees cooler than the rest of the region and can drop below zero celsius.

This Video Of Snow In Trojena Went Viral And It’s Obvious Why

In this video, Abdullah talks about how Trojena is now building 6 neighbourhoods, in addition to Ice Skating Tracks, in order to prepare for hosting the Asian Winter Games in 2029.

It’s worth mentioning that this will be the first time ever for a Gulf country to host the Asian Winter Games!

Reactions To This Video Were Amazing

Many people were complimenting the way Abdullah was delivering the information in this video, and expressed how excited they were to see all of this come to life

This Video Of Snow In Trojena Went Viral And It's Obvious Why

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