There Is A Cash Reward For Pointing Out Spelling Mistakes In Signboards But There Are A Few Catches

Want some quick cash?

Simply take your camera or smartphone and dig for any mistake in the words used in any commercial sign on the road, whatsapp them to the necessary authorities and make some money!

There are a few catches though

This is only applicable in the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah and the spelling mistakes must be in Arabic.

Yeah, it narrows the money-making plans by a bit but it is still pretty cool!

According to Khaleej Times, 44 people have already participated in the initative which is meant to protect the Arabic language and curb all spelling mistakes in the commercial signboards in the emirate.

The competition is open until the end of this week so hurry!


Send a picture of the signboard and it’s location to the WhatsApp account of the RAK department of economic development on mobile No. (0504321966)

If it is a valid picture, the department will reward you with a cash prize!

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