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Well… we are stuck inside for the time being, so why not make the most of it??
Unwind and lighten up the mood around the house with some fun adult games with your roomies, friends and famjam that is sure to bring up some raunchy topics and open the gates to a couple of LOLsome storytimes.
In the pursuit of an unforgettable night, this round-up of 7 HILAR party games for adults prove that you don’t have to throw a huge bash in order to have a lot of fun together. Scroll on for our favourites!
Get to know the deep dark truth about one and other, personal stories are often shared after a revealing vote.
Buy it from Amazon for AED 21.69 (down from AED 185.88).
Vote your friends out on outrageous questions and find out what your friends really think of you!
E.g. questions: “If we were all hitchhikers, who would be the last person to get picked up?”, “Who gets paid too much for what they do?”, “Least likely to be a target for identity theft?” Plus so many next-level questions that we can’t even write in the description…
Buy it from Amazon for AED 48.
They don’t call it the ‘Card Game of Poor Life Decisions’ for no reason!
Buy it from Amazon for AED 44.89.
LOL, this one review had us in tears, cuz’ SAME:
“Great game! Now I just need some friends to play it with.”
Buy it from Amazon for AED 26.61 (down from AED 199.17).
“The ‘Would You Rather’ board game you’ve been waiting for finally exists” – Cosmopolitan.
Promising review:
“Pick your Poison is a FUN game for the whole family! I have always loved the discussions “Would you rather” questions generated, and now it’s a game! We have played this game with the grandparents and kids and we all love it! The laughter it has generated is genuine – plus we have all learned more about each other.
I also love the fact that there is still a strong game element, meaning that while getting to know each other is great, I still want some competition and a winner! This game provides that. I would rather play this game, which allows me to get to know my friends and family better, than other games where there is no conversation and connection. I can’t wait to play this game with more friends and perhaps even my youth group. I love it!”
Buy it from Amazon for AED 29.50.
Promising review:
“I’ve played a ton of these social/group card games and most of them are pretty similar, where it ends up being just who can say the craziest thing. My friends and I really enjoyed Hot Seat because the goal is to read and play in the Hot Seat and guess what they would say, not to just say the craziest thing you can think of. I love this game because you really get to learn more about the players while not sacrificing the straight-up fun time you have playing it. Five stars!”
Buy it from Amazon for AED 118.
Promising review:
“This game is a blast!!! I played once with friends and after going through all the Meme photos I dug into some wedding pictures I had printed. That was hilarious and a game-changer- literally!
The second time I played was with a huge group and I stole funny awkward pictures from their Facebook pages before we met and sent them to Walgreens to be printed. The look on their faces when I pulled out some gems of pictures was almost as fun as memeing them!! My 85-year-old grandma even got into the fun and only wanted to play with the family photos I had printed. We’ll definitely be playing again soon!”
Buy it from Amazon for AED 44.42.
Minimum custom amount to enter is AED 2
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