A List Of The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs: Why You Just Do NOT Get Along With Some People

A List Of The Least Compatible Zodiac Signs: Why You Just Do NOT Get Along With Some People

Have you kindaaa, sortaaa noticed that the people that you keep clashing with all have birthdays around the same month? Well, thas no coinkydink because according to some hardcore astrological studies (that is if you, like me, believe in) some zodiac signs just do not mesh.

You know the saying, ‘it’s not you, it’s me’?? Well in some cases it’s not even you, it’s your freggin ZODIAC SIGNN!!

Least compatible zodiac signs usually just do not gel well with each other and most of the times there’s really nothing much that you can do about it.

There are always exceptions to the rule, however in most cases, if you’re not vibing with the person then it’s kinda possible that your zodiac signs just ain’t that compatible…

Learn the A-Z of astrology and your zodiac sign with the ‘The Zodiac Signs: A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology, Numerology and your Personal Horoscope‘, on Amazon for AED 72.16. (Totes magotes worth it!!)

A list of the least compatible zodiac signs:

12. Taurus

Least Compatible Signs: Leo & Aquarius
Opposite Sign: Scorpio

Learn the A-Z of astrology and your zodiac sign with the ‘The Zodiac Signs: A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology, Numerology and your Personal Horoscope‘, on Amazon for AED 72.16.

11. Aries

Least Compatible Signs: Capricorn & Cancer
Opposite Sign: Libra

Learn the A-Z of astrology and your zodiac sign with the ‘The Zodiac Signs: A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology, Numerology and your Personal Horoscope‘, on Amazon for AED 72.16.

10. Gemini

Least Compatible Signs: Pisces & Virgo
Opposite Sign: Sagittarius

Learn the A-Z of astrology and your zodiac sign with the ‘The Zodiac Signs: A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology, Numerology and your Personal Horoscope‘, on Amazon for AED 72.16.

9. Cancer

Least Compatible Signs: Aries & Libra
Opposite Sign: Capricorn

Learn the A-Z of astrology and your zodiac sign with the ‘The Zodiac Signs: A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology, Numerology and your Personal Horoscope‘, on Amazon for AED 72.16.

8. Leo

Least Compatible Signs: Taurus & Scorpio
Opposite Sign: Aquarius

Learn the A-Z of astrology and your zodiac sign with the ‘The Zodiac Signs: A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology, Numerology and your Personal Horoscope‘, on Amazon for AED 72.16.

7. Virgo

Least Compatible Signs: Sagittarius & Gemini
Opposite Sign: Pisces

Learn the A-Z of astrology and your zodiac sign with the ‘The Zodiac Signs: A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology, Numerology and your Personal Horoscope‘, on Amazon for AED 72.16.

6. Libra

Least Compatible Signs: Cancer & Capricorn
Opposite Sign: Aries

Learn the A-Z of astrology and your zodiac sign with the ‘The Zodiac Signs: A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology, Numerology and your Personal Horoscope‘, on Amazon for AED 72.16.

5. Sagittarius

Least Compatible Signs: Virgo & Pisces
Opposite Sign: Gemini

Learn the A-Z of astrology and your zodiac sign with the ‘The Zodiac Signs: A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology, Numerology and your Personal Horoscope‘, on Amazon for AED 72.16.

4. Aquarius

Least Compatible Signs: Taurus & Scorpio
Opposite Sign: Leo

Learn the A-Z of astrology and your zodiac sign with the ‘The Zodiac Signs: A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology, Numerology and your Personal Horoscope‘, on Amazon for AED 72.16.

3. Scorpio

Least Compatible Signs: Leo & Aquarius
Opposite Sign: Taurus

Learn the A-Z of astrology and your zodiac sign with the ‘The Zodiac Signs: A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology, Numerology and your Personal Horoscope‘, on Amazon for AED 72.16.

2. Capricorn

Least Compatible Signs: Aries & Libra
Opposite Sign: Cancer

Learn the A-Z of astrology and your zodiac sign with the ‘The Zodiac Signs: A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology, Numerology and your Personal Horoscope‘, on Amazon for AED 72.16.

1. Pisces

Least Compatible Signs: Sagittarius & Gemini
Opposite Sign: Virgo

Learn the A-Z of astrology and your zodiac sign with the ‘The Zodiac Signs: A Beginner’s Guide to Astrology, Numerology and your Personal Horoscope‘, on Amazon for AED 72.16.

BUUHHTT it’s all up to you to make things werk! You can still work things out and co-exist with signs that you’re not compatible with by compromising, finding common ground and accepting both their good and bad qualities!

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