This Fish With Human-Like Features Found In Malaysian Waters Is Creeping Dubai Peeps Out!

This Fish With Human-Like Features Found In Malaysian Waters Is Creeping Dubai Peeps Out!

‘Pucker up’ just got a whole new meaning with this triggerfish coming to light, (2020 sure is one strange year).

Discovered in the Malaysian coral reefs, this bizarre triggerfish has left the internet completely baffled with its eerily human-like features; where the sea creature’s lips and teeth could NOT look more like your next-door neighbour with a plump pout to die for.

NDTV and Rakyat Post were the first to scout the much-tweeted clicks of this pout-iful fish with well-defined lips, and revealed that the sea creature is known as “ayam laut” or “ikan jebong”. Plus, the name ‘trigger’ comes into play because these fish are known for being easily ‘triggered’.

Triggerfish are notorious for being extremely territorial and employing an aggressive behaviour towards intruders (which makes sense… because it’s their territory after all).

Haters will say it’s photoshopped

…But it’s not FYI.

Anyway, these fascinating clicks of the viral fish were shared on July 2, and have since have gained over 14k likes, 8k retweets and a flood of comments where intrigued netizens from around the world, including Dubai, are trying to make something of this unbelievably human-like fish.

Hmmm Akash here could deffo be onto to something!

Move over sis, there is a new pout KA-WEEEN in town

Big fan tho, hehe.

Ok bye, I’m done… this is enough internet for one day.

I’ve never been fishing (nor do I ever want to…gross) but growing up with this Kids Pool Fishing Game was all the fishing adventure I needed in lyf! Aahh nostalgia, brb I cry.

*No fish have been harmed in the making of this fishy toy pool*

Capture the surprising face of kids when they received this funny fishing toy combo and go fishing! Will make for one heck of a fun fam memory this summer.

Buy it from Amazon for AED 69.00.

Have your cutey teeny toddler squirting out all his baby frustration with this set-of-2 Suction Crab & Fish Water Spouting Toys!

Promising reviews:

“Lovely toys, kids are happy.”

Buy the set of 2 from Amazon for AED 40.89.

Have the whole aquarium at your disposable this summer with this super fin (pun intended) Inflatable Aquarium Swimming Pool!!

And the BEST parents award goes tooooooo… whoever’s getting this for their kiddos obv.

Promising reviews:

“I like it, really nice and comfortable.I am shocked by some reviews like it’s not suitable for giving birth in it.guys seriously? You should give birth in the hospital, not in the pool.this is a kids swimming pool, and it’s perfect.”

Buy it from Amazon for AED 74.90.

Cheer up yo’grumpy cat with this Fish Shape Doll Catnip, thas soft, cuddly and perfectly sized to bite, and carry around.

Buy it from Amazon for AED 53.24.

Your kitty cat will be having the time of its life with this Cat Shaped Catnip Toy, filled with North American grown catnip.

Buy it from Amazon for AED 44.69.

Little ones will be delighted by this floating, Multi-Textured Jellyfish. The glowing jellyfish’s lights automatically activate when placed underwater.

Buy it from Amazon for AED 22.00.

To browse more shopping categories in Dubai visit Lovin Dubai’s Shopping Hub.

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