Breaking Any Of These 5 UAE Social Media-Related Laws Will Land You Fines Of Up To AED500K


The days of recording conversations and taking pictures of cute guys on the metro are over because the UAE Public Prosecution announced the laws regarding social media and privacy matters.

According to Article No.44 of the Federal Decree-Law No.34 for 2021 on combatting e-crimes and rumours, whoever uses an information network, an electronic information system, or a means of information technology to infringe the privacy of a person or the sanctity of the private or family life of individuals without their consent and in other than the legally permitted cases, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of not less than 6 months, and/or be fined of between AED150,000 and AED500,000.

Breaking any of these 5 UAE social-media related laws will get you some serious jail-time and hefty fines


Breaking these UAE laws by doing these actions will result in the same penalties:

5. Record, broadcast or disclose conversations, calls or audiovisual materials

4. Take photos of others without consent or copy, transfer, disclose or save them

3. Publish news, photos, scenes, comments or information with the aim of harming people

2. Take photos of injuries, deaths or accidents or disaster victims without permission

1. Trace or observe the geographic locations of others and disclose them

The Public Prosecution also stated that those who use any form of IT to modify or reprocess a photo with intent to defame or offend someone will be punished by imprisonment for a period of no less than one year and fined between AED250,000 and AED500,000, or either of these two penalties.

Also Read: These 6 Traffic Violations Will Land You Huge Fines And Black Points In The UAE

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