Learn The Ropes On How To Grow Rich Organically With The Help Of These 5 OG Books


Learn The Ropes On How To Grow Rich Organically With The Help Of These 5 OG Books

We can’t promise you this…

But we sure can guarantee that you’ll be much wiser and might even get an idea or two on how to grow your income…

5. Build your strongest-ever portfolio from anywhere in the world! The Millionaire Expat is a handbook for smart investing, saving for retirement, and building wealth while overseas!

Promising review:

“Not knowing anything about investment, other than I should be…and wasn’t, this book was a total game-changer. I’d heard horror stories about expats like me being swindled out of their savings by “sharks in suits” (via non-stop cold-calling etc) but couldn’t find any credible information to help me figure out an alternative. As a result, I wasn’t saving or investing as I should have been, as I was scared of being ripped off. Until I read this book. It’s written in such a way that makes a complicated subject seem really rather simple. And once you’ve read the book, you’ll discover that sensible investing as an expat IS SIMPLE! I now know what I need to do in order to secure my financial future and not let so-called financial advisors take a significant portion of my hard-earned money through high costs and commissions. Don’t delay. Read. This. Book.”

Buy the paperback version from Amazon for AED 75.

4. Think and Grow Rich has been called the “Granddaddy of All Motivational Literature.”

It was the first book to boldly ask, “What makes a winner?” The man who asked and listened for the answer, Napoleon Hill, is now counted in the top ranks of the world’s winners himself.

Promising review:

“Optimize your opportunity wisely: It is a good book, no doubt at all.”

Buy the paperback version from Amazon for AED 31.

3. The Simple Path to Wealth: This book shows you the A-Z of growing your wealth for beginners!

Some of the many tips given in the book:

• Think long-term
• Live below your means
• Plan ahead with a fully diversified portfolio (except international stocks, more on this below)
• Invest in Vanguards low-cost index funds

Promising review:

“Hands down one of the best financial books I’ve ever read or heard about. If I could gift a copy of it to every single graduate, I would. This book is like listening to a sage friend who has endured decades of ‘playing / timing’ the market and concluded there is an easier way. Not only is this friend willing to share the way, it’s is not even a scam or get rich quick scheme. It is a straightforward, achievable process: avoid/eliminate debt, spend less than you earn, invest in low-cost index funds, and then do NOTHING. Simply sit back and wait for the magic of time and compound interest to do the rest. This means you no longer have to worry about the next stock market crash or try to find the next Apple or bitcoin. JL Collins introduced me to the concept of F- You money (which I now call F- Yeah money thanks to ProudMoney.com). About two years ago, when I realized I had F- Yeah money, it transformed the way I approached work. Meetings were no longer stressful, crises of the day seemed ridiculous. A year ago, I moved to part-time. This year, I’m thrilled to report that both my husband and I have just early retired at 45 and 47 respectively. I attribute a lot of this to reading this book. I gave me the facts I needed to believe we had hit our number and would be just fine. Albert Einstein called compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe and the greatest mathematical discovery of all time. I say the knowledge of FIRE (financial independence retire early) gives compound interest a run for its money. Read this book then give it to someone struggling or boasting about this stock or that one. It truly can change your life.”

Buy the paperback version from Amazon for AED 85.

2. The Sheikh CEO“This book provides invaluable insight into the mind of a great leader who has transformed the image of the Middle East by putting Dubai on the global map.” Because good leadership skills lead to immense growth mentally as well as financially!

Promising review:

“This is an interesting read, the fact that this is penned by one of His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s closest aides during the period of meteoric development (2000-2010) in Dubai, presents an interesting insight to how the city became what it is today.

While there is no doubt what Dubai, as a city has achieved in such a short span of time, is a testament to the vision and perseverance of the Sheikh, the kindness of Emiratis and the efforts of millions of expats, there have been challenges, the road has not always been smooth.

Buy the paperback version from Amazon for AED 79.

1. You can quit the rat race and start-up on your own – and you don’t need an MBA or a huge investment to do it. The $100 Startup is your manual to a new way of living.

Promising review:

“Didn’t know what to expect so was pleasantly surprised (probably because the title evoked “get rich fast”). Things I liked: 1) thorough coverage of all things related to conceiving, test driving, launching and growing a micro business. 2) case studies and realistic financials: perfectly highlighted the diverse range of product and services that can be offered through such a model of micro business. The financials are realistic numbers, therefore setting reasonable expectations (hopefully) for people who might consider trying or benchmarking. 3) The discussion about scaling vs. keeping it small is a very interesting one: I liked that the author presented real-life cases for either scenario for food for thought instead of advocating one or the other (e.g. presenting a single “formula” as the golden rule that all shall follow)–I can see how this particular decision can be case sensitive and there really is no “right” answer as long as it works for the entrepreneur! 4) Keep hearing the term “the gig economy” these days and this book now gives me a window into a world of side-hustle and micro businesses that I was not previously aware of or super interested in. Enjoyed the book a lot, and might be considering trying my hand at some side-gigs. I mean, why not?”

Buy the paperback version from Amazon for AED 54.

You can access all these books and many more on Kindle as well!!

On Amazon for AED 1,099.

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