There Are More Electric Scooters And Bikes Coming To RAK Just In Time For The Good Weather!

Aneesa Ahmed
Electric Scooters

@RakTransport just announced that more electric scooters and bikes are coming to Ras Al Khaimah. That means you can rent a pay-per-minute vehicle and get around the city in styleee


Riding around on an electric vehicle with your friends has to be one of the funnest pass times ever! Any time of the day and wherever you want – FREEEEDOMMMM! Soon you’ll be able to have an adrenaline-filled experience in RAK.

After trialling electric scooters since 2019 and seeing how much you guys LOVE them – they have signed a contract with TIER Mobility, who are known as one of the best shared micro-mobility providers. Anyone over 14 can ride the scooters and you don’t need a driving license..


You can download apps like Tier or Fenix to locate and rent a scooter, then you whizz around and pay for as long as you want!

How excited are you?!


For more information, you can visit the RAKTDA website here.

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