Huge Awards For Winners Of The Farouk Swimming, Archery And Horse Riding Challenge


The Saudi General Entertainment Authority announced the launch of the Farouk Challenge, which adopts the Caliph Omar Bin AL Khattab’s advice, “Teach your children swimming, archery, and horse riding”

The competition aims to motivate talented citizens to participate in their skills in swimming, archery, and horse riding

The total award for each challenge is 500,000 Saudi riyals, and this amount will be distributed among 10 winners per skill area.

The award for 1st place in each skill area will be SR 100,000; SR 50,000 for 2nd place; SR 25,000 for 3rd place, SR 6,000 for 4th place; SR 5,000 for 5th place; and SR 2,500 for contestants in 7th to 10th place.

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