Women Took Part In A Major Horse Show In Saudi Arabia For the First Time Ever And Made History All Over Again


Saudi women, in just about every other area of life, are breaking barriers every day and know no limits.

History was made all over again this week after Saudi women took part in a public cultural performance for the first time ever

A group of women became the first to ever perform at the infamous Souq Okaz Festival. Some of the best equestrians from different countries in the region, including Saudi Arabia, took part in an event called “Forsan Okaz” (Knights of Okaz).

Men and women rose horses in a spectacular show


The festival is a 1, 500 years old tradition that brought Arabs from all over the region together and and was revitalized 13 years ago in Saudi Arabia.

This marks the first time women took part in a cultural event of this magnitude in Saudi Arabia.

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