A Saudi Influencer’s Post About Self-Love And Philosophy Is A Great Reminder To Us All


Adwa Al-Dakheel has shared some wisdom that I think a lot of us need to hear sometimes. In the topic of self-love and appreciation, Saudi influencer, pilot AND musician shared a photo and a caption that is both captivating and so relatable.

A good reminder for everyone to accept and celebrate YOU

In the photo’s caption, Al Dakheel wrote “I was never one to believe in celebrations (very weird philosophy, but let’s leave that for another post).
I didn’t attend any of my graduations, and I don’t like celebrating my birthdays (I always felt like my mom should be celebrated rather than me), and I don’t attend weddings.

I was never one to believe in celebrations (very weird philosophy, but let’s leave that for another post). I didn’t attend any of my graduations, and I don’t like celebrating my birthdays (I always felt like my mom should be celebrated rather than me), and I don’t attend weddings. It’s in days like this that I realize: if life wants to celebrate you, accept it! So, here I am accepting life, and here I am expressing my gratitude to every single person that felt like celebrating me when I refuse to celebrate myself. بحياتي ما آمنت بالاحتفال: رفضت احضر تخرجي من المدرسة و تخرجي من الجامعة، ما احب احتفل بعيدميلادي (دائماً احس المفروض اني احتفل بأمي لانها هي الي تعبت هذاك اليوم مو انا)، و اعتذر عن حضور الافراح. فلسفة غريبة بس ممكن نسولف عنها يوم ثاني. في ايّام زي اليوم لمن الناس الجميلة الي حولك تغصبك تحتفل استوعب: اذا الحياة تبي تفرح فيك، اقبل فيها! خلها! الناس هذي ما تتكرر، و الي يفرح لك من قلبه مو كثير، فليش ارفضها اذا هي قدامي؟ المهم، من قلبي أشكر كل انسان حس انه يبي يحتفل فيني حتى و انا مابى احتفل بنفسي ❤️ (مادري اذا الكلام انفهم بس اتمنى ان الصورة وصلت ????)

A post shared by أضوى الدخيل (@adwaaldakheel) on

“It’s in days like this that I realize: if life wants to celebrate you, accept it! So, here I am accepting life, and here I am expressing my gratitude to every single person that felt like celebrating me when I refuse to celebrate myself.”

For those of you who aren’t familiar with this talented and inspiring woman, here’s a bit of a background

She’s a musician who can play the piano, the guitar and she even writes poetry.

Talk about a multi-talent!

She’s constantly breaking stereotypes

Especially about Saudi women.


She’s, above all, a kindred soul too

Helping out in whatever way she can.


See more

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