A 7-Hour Surgery Saved An Algerian Pilgrim’s Life In Makkah

An Algerian pilgrim’s life was saved by a seven-hour surgery in Makkah after he suffered from a brain tumor!

An Algerian pilgrim’s life was saved by a seven-hour surgery in Makkah after he suffered from a brain tumor!

A 7-Hour Surgery Saved An Algerian Pilgrim's Life In Makkah

A specialized medical team at the Neuroscience Center of King Abdullah Medical City, part of the Makkah Health Cluster, successfully removed the large tumor from the 70-year-old pilgrim.

The pilgrim was swiftly moved to King Abdullah Medical City

A 7-Hour Surgery Saved An Algerian Pilgrim's Life In Makkah

The Makkah Health Cluster reported that the pilgrim lost consciousness at the Algerian Hajj mission’s headquarters, prompting an urgent transfer to King Faisal Hospital. After necessary tests, he was moved to King Abdullah Medical City. A CT scan revealed a brain tumor that required immediate surgical intervention.

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The precise surgery lasted 7 hours!

A team of neurosurgeons and anesthesiologists conducted a precise and complex operation, lasting seven hours. The tumor was completely removed, and the patient regained consciousness. The surgery was supported by the neurology care, neurosciences ward, and physical therapy teams. The pilgrim was later discharged in good health, allowing him to return to his mission’s headquarters to continue his Hajj rituals.

The pilgrim expressed his utmost gratitude after a succesful surgery

Expressing his deep gratitude, the pilgrim praised the medical team for their tremendous efforts and the high level of care he received, which will help him fulfill his dream of completing his spiritual journey. The successful surgery highlights King Abdullah Medical City’s capability to handle complex medical cases and provide exceptional healthcare for pilgrims and visitors.


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