An Indian Chauffeur Gets SR10,000 In Reward For Naming His Newborn After A Social Media Influencer’s Wife


An Indian chauffeur, Saif, has been working for Saudi influencer Ghazi Al-Ziaby for quite some time now. He seemed to be so enamored by his employers that once he was blessed with a baby girl, he named it after Al-Ziaby’s wife, Ghaida.

And guess what? Al-Ziaby was super impressed and had this whole party thrown for him and even handed him SR10,000 in cash.

There’s this cool video making the rounds on social media capturing that moment.

This comes in the wake of several videos doing the rounds of late, which show how Saudi employers have gone out of their way to lend a hand to their household help.

Remember the viral wedding video in which the Saudi employer flew to Bangladesh to catch his employee’s wedding?

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