Dubai To Riyadh Is Officially The World’s Second Busiest Travel Route

Hera Shabbir

Everyone knows the countries of the GCC love visiting each other during the holidays. These two cities however are known to be the world’s second most busiest route πŸ™Œ

Dubai to Riyadh has witnessed over 3.1 million passengers this year

The neighboring cities have TONS to offer in their own unique way. With amazing attractions like Riyadh Boulevard World, Riyadh Sky, Winter Wonderland, and more, people are actually flocking to the Saudi capital for entertainment.

Cairo to Jeddah took first place for the top 10 international routes

A flight from the Egyptian capital to Saudi’s corniche hub is around 2 hours and these places really like to visit each other. Considering how both countries have amazing lifestyles, travelers from Cairo love to check out Jeddah quite often πŸ™Œ.


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