Exciting News: Saudi Arabia To Grant Citizenship To Top Talents!

Hera Shabbir

In an exciting move, a Royal decree has been issued to grant Saudi citizenship to a range of exceptional individuals. This announcement aligns with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 goal to create an attractive environment that draws, invests in, and retains top global talents.

The citizenship can be granted to scientists, doctors, researchers, innovators, and entrepreneurs with unique skills and expertise

As reported by the Saudi Press Agency, this decree focuses on bringing in exceptional minds from various fields—religious, medical, scientific, cultural, sports, and technological—who can contribute to the Kingdom’s development. This initiative aims to boost economic growth, health, culture, sports, and innovation across Saudi Arabia.

In 2021, a similar Royal decree granted citizenship to a select group of distinguished individuals

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This isn’t the first time the Kingdom has welcomed top talents. Now, Saudi Arabia continues its journey to become a hub for exceptional creativity and innovation, inviting the world’s best and brightest to be part of its vibrant future!

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