Just In: Wearing Masks In Crowded Public Places Is Mandatory AGAIN


Just when you thought we’ll be back to the pre-pandemic days, omicron arrived and is now kind of reversing some of the normalcy that we were able to enjoy for the past few days. While air travel bans on many countries have been lifted, 14 mostly southern African nations have recently been added to the banned list. And, now the MOH has said that masks are mandatory in crowded public places.

So this means that you will probably have to wear a mask to your next football game or your next cinema outing.

According to the Saudi Gazette, Dr. Muhammad Al-Abdel Ali, spokesman for the Ministry of Health, has remarked that wearing a mask is required in busy open spaces as well as in sites for festivals and activities. The official highlighted that not wearing a mask is not justified by receiving two doses of coronavirus vaccination. He also stressed the need of having a booster dosage six months after the second treatment to increase immunity.

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